Professional Expectations and Evaluation Procedures

Academic Integrity

我们希望你尽你所能,以确保在科罗拉多州立大学多明格斯山教育过程的学术诚信. 我们希望您遵守负责任的专业行为标准和对职业道德的承诺. 如欲了解更多正规澳门平台十大赌博在华南理工大学促进学术诚信的教师责任,请访问 Academic Integrity 网站.

It is important that you report cases of academic dishonesty; ignoring them doesn’t do the student any favors. 当你认为你已经确定了一个学术不诚实的案例,你应该遵循 基督教社会联盟DH Disciplinary Procedures. You should also consult the department chair regarding such issues.

Instructional/Faculty 发展

我们希望你们为发展和改进你们的教学和评估策略而努力. 为此目的, we suggest that you consult with colleagues, 寻求指导, and be willing to try new things. Some additional resources to consider include:

Non-Reappointment/Employment Separation

临时教师单位员工职位由加州教师协会(CFA)和加州州立大学(基督教社会联盟)之间的集体谈判协议(CBA)管理。. A “lecturer” appointment is a temporary academic assignment, typically for a period of one semester, 一个季度, 一年中的部分时间, or one (1) or more years. 在您的任用合同/信函中规定的期限结束时,任用将失效,并且不构成后续任用或任何进一步任用权利的考虑. No other notice shall be provided. 被任命为讲师不构成获得终身职位资格的服务, nor security of employment.

大学的政策要求,下个学期不会被重新聘用的讲师在收到最后的薪水之前必须与学校“分开”. 此外,所有离职的员工必须清理所有未完成的项目. 请向您所在学院的学术资源经理或部门办公室工作人员查询更多信息.

一旦脱离我校工作,您将无法再访问校园平台, 如, My基督教社会联盟DH, 黑板上, PTE门户, 电子邮件, 等.

If you should have questions concerning employee benefits, 离职前请致电(310)243-3769与人力资源管理部福利办公室联系.

Lecturer Evaluation Procedures

第十五条 CFA/基督教社会联盟集体谈判协议(CBA) -第3单元建立了讲师定期评估的要求. You can learn more in the relevant articles 15.15-15.30.

Lecturers are evaluated through their respective department(s). Pursuant to 第十五条.2, 只有终身教职员工和学术管理人员可以参与讨论,并就教职员工的评估提出建议.

Faculty normally participate in the following levels of evaluation:

  • 自我
  • Student evaluations (PTEs) for those with teaching duties
  • Peer review by a committee
  • Optional peer input (Classroom Observation)
  • Appropriate administrator and/or department chair.

如果你在一个学期内被录用,你可以了解更多正规澳门平台十大赌博你的特定职位的信息, 一年, and multi-year appointment in the relevant articles 12 and 15. You may also view the Academic Affairs Policy AA 2015-01, Evaluating Temporary Faculty Unit Employees.

评估为教师提供了一个机会(特别是在对临时教师单位员工的定期审查中),提供建设性的反馈,以促进他们在教学(如果适用)和学生学习方面的成长, professional development; they also ensure lecturers meet University, 大学, and Department expectations in the performance of their assigned duties.

你应该在学期第一天的14天内从你的系主任那里收到评估标准和程序. 有关部门评估指南和时间表的问题应与各自的系主任讨论.

Personnel Action File (PAF)

Pursuant to the CFA/基督教社会联盟 Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 11.1, “人事行动档案应被定义为一个(1)官方人事档案,其中包含就业信息和可能与教员单位员工的人事建议或人事行动相关的信息.“教师单位员工有权向其人事诉讼档案提交材料。. 教员单位员工有权根据第11条的规定,对其人事档案中的任何材料或计划在其人事档案中放置的任何材料提出书面反驳.4 of this Article”.

The personnel action file for the full-time faculty unit employee is housed in the Office of 教员事务 and 发展. 您可以要求查看您的PAF访问办公室在正常营业时间在韦尔奇大厅, 套件b - 368, Monday through Friday, 上午八时至下午五时.

The personnel action file for the part-time faculty unit employee is housed in the 大学 Dean’s Office. 请与您所在的学院联系,安排时间查看您的人事行动文件(PAF)。.

RTP Criteria for the Evaluation of Lecturer Faculty

In accordance with the CFA/基督教社会联盟 Collective Bargaining Agreement, 该司向讲师提供评估其在该领域的教学和货币的标准. 讲师必须表现出令人满意的教学表现和在该领域令人满意的货币示范.

Please contact your department chair for more information.


范围提升是指从一个范围移动到下一个范围,从而增加工资.g., Range A to B, B to C, or C to D. 如果临时教员单位员工被授予加薪幅度,则应在工资表上至少增加百分之五(5%).

正规澳门平台十大赌博讲师(临时教员)范围提升的程序可在教务政策中找到, AAPS010.001 and the CFA/基督教社会联盟 Collective Bargaining Agreement, Articles 12.16-12.20和31.6. 


“有资格在薪金表上提高范围的讲师应限于那些在其目前范围内不再有服务工资增加资格的讲师, and have served five (5) years in their current range.”

  1. Each year the Office of Academic Affairs Personnel Services, Division of Academic Affairs, shall compile a list of lecturers eligible for range elevation. On or before November 1st, 合格的讲师应被通知他们的资格,每个部门/分部应收到该部门/分部有资格提升范围的讲师名单.
  2. 每位符合条件的讲师应被考虑在工资表上进行范围提升,除非他或她以书面形式通知部门/部门主席他或她希望此时不被考虑.”