
Process for Stateside Courses


本学院采用网上系统管理“教学成效感知”. Information from student evaluations of teaching effectiveness (PTE) is used as one element in assessing instructional effectiveness, as well as, 以协助再次任命, tenure and promotion process. Students in online, hybrid, and face-to-face classes can provide an official student evaluation of teaching effectiveness electronically. 学生可以从任何台式电脑或移动设备上完成他们的评估. Faculty, deans, department chairs, 审稿人也可以从任何台式电脑或移动设备访问在线PTE门户.


Per Article 15.加州教师协会集体谈判协议第15条

“教师教学效果的书面或电子学生课程评估, also called "student opinion survey" and "student perception of teaching effectiveness" on some campuses, 应要求所有教员单位的员工进行教学. All classes taught by each faculty unit employee shall have such student course evaluations unless the President has approved a requirement to evaluate fewer classes after consideration of the recommendations of appropriate faculty committee(s). 在学生课程评估不需要所有课程的情况下, classes chosen for evaluation shall be representative of the faculty unit employee's teaching assignment, and shall be jointly determined in consultation between the faculty unit employee being evaluated and their department chair. 如果双方意见不一致,则各选择50%的课程进行评估."

This article also states, “The results of these evaluations shall be placed in the faculty unit employee's Personnel Action File. Results of course evaluations may be stored electronic format and incorporated by extension into the Personnel Action File provided that individuals involved in evaluations and personnel recommendations or decisions are provided secure access for these purposes.”

"Faculty unit employees may submit written rebuttals to student course evaluations pursuant to Provision 11.2 .当认为需要额外的信息或在学生偏见的情况下. Evaluators must review such written rebuttals when reviewing underlying student course evaluations."



Effective Spring 2023, student course evaluations (PTE's) for all Fall and Spring classes shall be administered. 学生应填写一份问卷,问卷可以是定量的,也可以是以下内容的组合 定量和定性因素. 这种评价应统一要求所有人作出 instructors. Sum我们只会根据学院院长的要求对课程进行评估.

PTE Data

The PTE instrument shall consist of a common set of closed-ended questions to be used by all faculty members. 这些问题应涉及教学效果的标准.


PTE Survey Questions

The survey format 是分两部分:1)定量的和2)定性的. Part ONE 由八(8)个问题、两(2)个可选问题和部分组成 TWO 由学生评论收集的三(3)个定性数据组成.

Quantitative Scale: 强烈同意,同意,中性,不同意,强烈不同意,不适用.

  1. 这门课的目标讲得很清楚.
  2. 课程内容涵盖了规定的目标.
  3. 教员把课程材料讲得很清楚.
  4. 课程包括适当的学生参与和讨论.
  5. 老师对学生的问题很有反应.
  6. 老师对这门课表现出热情.
  7. 课程作业和课堂活动有助于学习课程内容.
  8. 老师的教学很有效.
  9. Optional Question
  10. Optional Question


  1. 在这门课的教学中,老师做得特别好的地方是什么?
  2. 在这门课程中,我们可以做些什么来改善老师的教学?
  3. Additional Comments

All courses taught in the fall and spring semesters will be automatically evaluated via the PTE system and incorporated as an extension of the personnel action file. 提前结束日期的课程将根据具体情况进行处理.

教师可在以下网址查阅PTE时间表 http://twoknp68.israelperezglez.com/faculty-affairs/perceived-teaching-effectiveness-pte/schedule/.

The PTE will open for student input within the last four (4) weeks of classes and email reminders will be sent (three (3) weeks before final examination week).

Students will be notified via email to their CSUDH email account that the PTE is available for each course in which the students are enrolled and that is being evaluated. Such notice will explain the purpose of the PTE and provide instructions on how to complete the evaluation via the links provided in the email communication or via MyCSUDH.

学生输入的结束日期将是教学的最后一天. Students who have yet to complete a PTE will receive email reminders during the last three (3) weeks of classes.


Faculty will receive an email communication on the number of students in each of their course being evaluated that have participated in the PTE process. This provides an opportunity for the instructors to encourage their students to complete the PTE survey.

If an instructor chooses to use class time for students to complete the PTE survey the instructor is encouraged not to be in the room when students are completing the evaluation.

Reviewing PTE Reports

学期结束后,所有成绩都已提交, instructors will receive (for each of their courses) the summarized results of the closed-ended questions, 完整的逐字回答开放式问题, 以及封闭式回应的汇总汇总. 

教师可以打印他们所教课程的PTE成绩. Faculty are encouraged to keep a copy of their reports for their own records and/or for inclusion in the RTP evaluation process.

Access to individual instructor results at the department and college level shall be made available to authorized personnel through the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.

Information for Students

Student participation in the 感知教学效能(PTE) course evaluation process is critical to CSUDH commitment to quality teaching and academic excellence. You are strongly encouraged to participate in the process and provide constructive feedback that is relevant to the course content and teaching for each of your course(s). 


每年秋季和春季学期, students will be notified via email to their CSUDH Toro email account that the PTE survey is available for each course in which the students are enrolled and that is being evaluated. Students may access the PTE survey via the link sent to their DH Toro email address and via the portal MyCSUDH. Such notice will explain the purpose of the PTE and provide instructions on how to complete the evaluation.

Students will receive email reminders during the student evaluation period if they have not provided feedback for each course that is pending to be evaluated unless the student elects to opt out via MyCSUDH.



当您提交PTE课程评估时, 您的回答中不会存储任何个人身份信息. 因此,任何人都不可能把你的答案和你个人联系起来. 

Student evaluations of teaching effectiveness are voluntary and anonymous; thus, PTE调查只能完成一次. Students are encouraged to participate in this important process and take their time when completing the PTE survey.

The PTE data collected for that particular term will not be released to the faculty until the end of the semester.


如果您需要任何PTE协助,请发送电子邮件 Ms. Ruby Martinez.

PTE Assistance


如果您有任何问题或需要任何技术支持,请联系. 鲁比·马丁内斯,电话:(310)243-3766或发邮件至 rmartinez@israelperezglez.com.


Extended Education PTE's are administered by the 继续和专业教育学院. 如果您有任何问题或需要任何技术协助, 请致电(310)243-3741或通过电子邮件联系Jackie McKenzie jmckenzie@israelperezglez.com